How Do You Solve a Problem Like Oxford Street Buses?

Something that’s been in the news for many a year, and seemingly very little done about, is the number of buses that travel along London’s, and indeed Europe’s, busiest shopping street, Oxford Street. Lord Andrew Adonis spent last week on buses in London to experience the network – his thoughts can be read here, with…

The Balvenie Masters of Craft 2013 Awards Ceremony

In these days of computerisation, it’s easy to overlook the true art of craft that takes place in many industries. I was fortunate enough to be invited to The Balvenie Masters of Craft 2013 Awards Ceremony at Somerset House last night. Now in its third year, the awards celebrate and recognise true masters of British…

Movember 2013 – I’m in!

The time has come! After spending the last few years in retail and being unable to take part, my new job sees me sat at a desk, so I can finally participate in Movember as a MoBro. What is Movember? Movember is a charity which raises funds through asking men (MoBros) to grow moustaches during…